Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about Wilbert Funeral Services Online Ordering System. As always, if you have questions that are not answered here or we can assist you in any other way, please call your local plant.

What is Wilbert Online Ordering?

Wilbert Online Ordering is a faster, more efficient way for Wilbert Funeral Services customers to order burial vaults and grave services online.

Wilbert Online Ordering takes less time because information about your funeral home is pre-programmed into the system:

  • Ordering is primarily “click & confirm”.
  • You simply add the funeral specific information and any special instructions.
  • User-friendly dropdown menus ensure your orders are complete and accurate.
  • You can pay with Wilbert’s on-account credit, credit card or ACH.
How does Wilbert Online Ordering work?

Once your funeral home has signed-up and is approved to order online…

Anytime day or night, authorized funeral directors can access the system and be ready to start placing their order in just a few clicks.

After you Login, enter your User Name and Password. Click on the “New Order” tab and begin placing your order.

How do I sign-up for Wilbert Online Ordering?

Due to the confidential information used on our online ordering system, only funeral home owners or managers can initiate the sign-up for Wilbert Online Ordering.

If you are a owner or manager, there are two ways you can sign-up for Wilbert Online Ordering…

  • You can sign-up by calling your local plant.
  • You can sign-up online by clicking here.
What are the main benefits to the funeral home of Wilbert Online Ordering?
  • Fast, efficient 24/7 access
  • Reduction of human error
  • Multiple payment options
  • Extra savings opportunities
  • Personalized order information
What are the extra savings I get by ordering and paying online?

Depending on the method of payment you select, you can earn bonus savings. Your Regional Marketing Manager will be happy to discuss this with you.

Who can use Wilbert Online Ordering?

Funeral home owners or managers must initiate the sign-up for Wilbert Online Ordering due to the confidential information used on our online ordering system.

Once the funeral home has been approved, the owner or manager can authorize whoever they want to place orders.

Each funeral director or staff member will be assigned their individual login and password, so there will be a record of who ordered what.

Login and password will be emailed once you have been approved for online ordering (typically within 24 hours).

Wilbert Online Ordering System is available for Wilbert Company Store Locations Only.

Who will have access to my funeral home’s purchase records?

While a history of the funeral home’s online purchases will be created, only the owner or manager or someone they authorize will have access to certain confidential information.

Is the information I give you about my company and my order secure?

Yes. Wilbert Online Ordering builds a secured, protected history of your funeral home’s online purchases, personalized by funeral director, which can be accessed only by the funeral home owner, manager or designated authorized personnel.

How can I be sure my order will be received once it is submitted online?

You will receive TWO email confirmations after you place your order online:

  • The first confirming that the order has been received will come to you immediately following the completion of your online order.
  • The following business day, you will receive an email confirmation that your order has been approved and is being processed. If we have any questions about your order, you will be contacted by phone.
Can I double-check my order?

Yes. You will see a summary of your order before submitting the order. This and all order pages can be printed if you want a hard copy for your records. This will also allow you to double-check all costs before you commit to the family, which helps you better service your families and avoid having to write-off missed costs.

Is there a minimum lead time required to place an online order?

Yes: 24 hours prior to the service. If you need to place an order less than 24 hours prior to the service, you will need to call the plant.

What happens if I place the order on a weekend or holiday?

Provided your order is placed within the required 24 hour lead time, there is no difference when placing an order on the weekend or holiday.

What if I have a question or I need personal assistance with an online order?

As always, our plant personnel are there to assist you. You may call us anytime with questions about online ordering or any other problems or questions you may have.

Our hours of operation have not changed with the advent of our online ordering system.

If it is after normal business hours, leave your name, number and a short message and a customer representative will call you back.

Can I continue to place orders by phone if I choose not to order online?

Yes. Phone orders and questions are always welcome.

How will I pay when I use the online ordering system?

There are three convenient payment options when ordering online:

  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards accepted)
  • ACH
  • On-Account Credit
What cemetery information is preprogrammed?

The actual names and locations of most area cemeteries, along with any known special charges that the cemetery may have, are preprogrammed in the online ordering system. If an unlisted cemetery is identified, we have the ability to add this for future services.

Can orders for out-of-market funeral services be ordered online?

No. These services require special handling and costs that are not programmed into the system. Personal telephone ordering is required.

How do I order if internet service is down?

You are still able to phone or fax an order when the system or the internet is down or when you have a special situation that you feel requires more hands-on, personal communications.

What if I forget my login or password?

If you forget your login or password, you will need to contact your local plant.

What if I have other questions?

Your local plant personnel or Regional Marketing Manager is always there to assist you. They will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have or provide assistance if you need help getting started ordering online.